being victim of the metoo feminism movement and losing in court

i was a tantra masseur and i had over 1000 clients in a period for 3 years roughly and all of them women.
in those three years i had hundreds of personal testimonials, sometimes hand written even on cards.
i helped many abused, raped women. often from childhood. i heard some pretty hard hard hard stories that would make your stomach turn.
often i was the first person where women confided their intimate traumas with me.

I came to this via an awakening with Mooji. i was sitting in silence for a week and suddenly this intuition popped in my head that i need to massage women. my previous self had the reaction of "massage women... who are going to be those clients... not really into it..." then i went into silence again and it told me to do this. i setup an online presence and within 2 days the first clients started to show up.

in those 3 years women told me "women need you" "you should never stop what you are doing" "any girlfriend must accept your work because you are needed"

i never had a problem with any of my clients, some tried the experience and didnt want to do it again others came every week, some i became friends with.

fast forward about 3 years in i decided i want to communicate my knowledge and experience to the outside. i created some videos with models that had even 3 million views on youtube. my plan was to become worldwide known sharing this deep and life transformative knowledge on releasing emotions, removing traumas from the body healing etc. i can tell you many many stories where i completely changed peoples lives for the better.

i hired about 3 models and that worked perfectly. then i hired another one. i send her videos from my previous shoots so she would know what to get into.
she came to me and during the energy massage session she fell asleep. i didnt realize she fell asleep. i was very close to her physically but nothing unlike on the videos that i showed her. (btw, she was about 24) at some point she woke up and rose very quickly and said "this is not okay" and i said "what?" and she didnt say anything .. i said "are you serious?" and she said "yes" that i am the type of guy she needs to have pepperspray with to protect herself? i was like WTF? and i was completely in my heart energy the whole time of the session like i usually am so i was confused. she asked me to delete the videos. i was like sure if she wants me to. i will find someone else and deleted the videos immediately while we were sitting there. i got up and gave her the money for the shoot and she left.

about a month later i receive a letter from the police that i should come in for questioning. i didnt know who or why or what. started panicking and immediately got myself a lawyer. the lawyer told me to not go to the police he will contact them. my sleep got really really bad and i immediately stopped massaging. many weeks i think it was months later we got the documents from police. the report was from this woman with a whole bunch of lies in there specifically that: i touched her ass several times and that i kissed her and that i was hesitant to giver her the money. another few months have passed. the court hearing was supposed to happen and then the police woman that took the report said officially she will be absent.

my lawyer contacted the state attorney and asked for it to be thrown out which happens in small cases but he is on vacation and will return in 2 weeks to discuss it with him. turns out the state attorney first agreed and then decided to proceed with this case anyway while my lawyer was on vacation. my lawyer was an experienced lawyer in sexual cases.

at least i knew at that point that i was being taken to court not for rape or anything worse but sexual molestation. which gave me a bit of relief. cause there are 3 degrees sexual molestation is the least of them.

the judge: a woman around 50-60 years old. the state lawyer about 48. my lawyer about 48 also. i was kind of cool in a happy mood but always a bit nervous at the same time. turns out the judge hated me from the beginning. the whole court case lasted 2-3 hours unusually long for such a BS case. everything in the report was a lie and it turns out the police woman helped the "victim" to falsify the report and change the language so it would sound specifical harsh and would not be thrown out. i watched the "victim" lie in the courtroom for the sake of metoo feminism being convinced she was in a spiritual warfare against horrible men. at one point my lawyer could see this is not going well so he asked for the judge and state attorney to talk in the backroom. they went back and started screaming at each other. very unusual. they come to the front and my lawyer asks me to come outside for a minute. he says they want to give you a 4 months prison sentence he advises me to cancel everything and pay a massive fine of like 3600 euros and get 3 months recorded in the crimes registry. i went with his suggestion. so in total the ordeal cost me about 6000-7000 euros including legal expenses and 6 months of lost sleep.

at least i didnt go to prison. my lawyer suggested to immediately stop massaging women. not even a contract would save me. he said him and all of his male friends dont do ONS anymore. every man has become super careful. he told me the most unbelievable stories of men getting send to prison for rape allegations which they turns out later never committed.

Turns out the woman that filed the report against me was a struggling actor in theatre. she heard a lot about harvey weinstein i presume and everything in hollywood and her friends talk about this shit all the time. and i was the victim of that hate false reality template she had in her mind.

I had a longterm professional psychotherapist as a client. she offered freely to testify for me but turns out that isnt part of the legal system

interestingly enough during my first conversation with my lawyer his co-partner she joined the discussion. while i was explaining my case i could sense a distaste for me in the discussions. at one point she even left the room because i could see she also had that hate energy towards men. it was very bizarre.
i did understand at that point that i have been living in a total protected bubble not realizing how the mentality of women changed in the western world.
so many laws were changed that give no rights to the men

i then found out and my lawyer confirmed that there is a behind the scenes agenda to give very harsh punishment to men in court rooms. it comes from very high up in politics. 10-20 years ago i would have received a 200 euro fine and sent home.

i could have appealed the sentence but it already cost me lots of money and i just wanted to leave that country i was in. i left the country immediately after the sentencing. stopped with the massages also and helped some people in a new country in a very superficial way. tantra is much more powerful than what i was doing now in terms of healing and energies.

i l then lived in mallorca for 6 months and had different women as visitors. one woman came from barcelona and we hit it off very well. at one point she said i would be super interested to get an energy session. we sat on a rock at the beach and i put my hand on her heartchakra. she then even leaned in on me by letting herself fall back. because i was still aware of what had happened to me i decided not to try anything with the woman. she wasnt a client. she was more like a flirt and it seemed like we had really good energy body wise (i can feel chakra energy connections). at one point she leans forward again and we leave. i never tried anything on her whatsoever of fear the same thing might happen to me. she sleeps at my place on a couch.

next morning she seems super weird and starts to chat a lot with a friend on the phone and says "i will be leaving now because a friend of mine is also on the island" i am like sure whatever and go into my room. she then texts me "i would love to say goodbye now" i text back "no need. just leave" cause i knew something was up. she leaves. 1 month later i receive a testimonial for couchsurfing where she came from and she says "this guy was super close to me physically and i felt uncomfortable so i left early although i wanted to stay 5 days" turns out she is also a striving theater actress from barcelona.

at that point i realized its not a local phenomenon this problem. its the metoo feminism and the what i call emotional transport. that women pickup emotions from other women whether they know them or not and take those emotions as being their own. meaning fighting with hate against something that they didnt experience themselves.

since then i have basically stopped massaging and working with women.

last note: onlyfans women and promiscuous women which are most young women nowadays are the answer of lazy women to pretend they are following feminism and emancipation. the world is totally fucked right now but it seems not many people see it.

i am openly talking about my experience now because its been many many years and my "offense" has been cleared in the central registry of that country so i am in legal clarity. because if i would have had another case in that timeframe the likelyhood of me going to prison for something i didnt do would have been almost 100%
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jaycuba 2 months ago Karma: 29
the irony of it if i were her type she wouldnt have went to the police and this goes probably for every man out there. be careful be aware. our culture is changing
étienne 2 months ago Karma: 17
great read. thank your for sharing. the law system is predatory
jaycuba 2 months ago Karma: 29
johnny depp trial showed that as well. except for the difference in comparison to me johnny is also toxic. he takes drugs, is into alcohol and probably a lot of other shit
bethedad 2 months ago Karma: 2
My reply is bound to be unpopular but I think it is true.. The world would be much better if people listened to this advice: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/the-family-a-proclamation-to-the-world/the-family-a-proclamation-to-the-world?lang=eng
jaycuba 2 months ago Karma: 29
I believe the world would be much better if people were more conscious of what they are doing in general. But we are born into this world exactly for the reason that we are not conscious. It would be like expecting a frog to be an Einstein. It's meant to be a frog

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