less computer and phone time and people time

one of the worst things about healing your body
is you need to remove yourself from work even if you enjoy it.
the less you are on the computer and phone
the more you are in nature just listening
to your body and intuitively food shopping and intuitive eating and intuitive
living the more you heal. unfortunately its completely contradictory to work culturei have a feeling that computer and smartphone time is actually causing me subtle but chronic stress. is that common? scientific literature on it?
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jaycuba 2 months ago Karma: 29
i asked AI about this: "i have a feeling that computer and smartphone time is actually causing me subtle but chronic stress. is that common? scientific literature on it?" Your feeling about computer and smartphone use causing subtle but chronic stress is quite common and has been the subject of scientific research. This phenomenon is often referred to as "technostress" or "digital stress." Here's a brief overview of some scientific literature on the topic: Prevalence: Many studies have found that excessive use of digital devices is associated with increased stress levels. A 2017 American Psychological Association survey found that 86% of adults reported constantly or often checking their emails, texts, and social media accounts. Physiological effects: Research has shown that prolonged device use can lead to increased cortisol levels (the stress hormone), disrupted sleep patterns, and eye strain. Psychological impacts: Studies have linked excessive smartphone use to increased anxiety, depression, and reduced cognitive function. "Always on" culture: The expectation of constant availability through digital devices has been found to increase stress levels and reduce work-life balance. Information overload: The constant influx of information from digital sources can overwhelm our cognitive capacities, leading to stress and decreased productivity. Nomophobia: This term refers to the fear of being without a mobile device, which has been recognized as a modern-day phobia linked to stress and anxiety. If you'd like more detailed information or specific study citations, I'd be happy to provide them. Additionally, I could offer some strategies for managing digital stress if you're interested.

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