What's your prediction for this $kin ?
Before the end of this year ?
The End of this month?
The End of this week?
The End of this day?

..........WE ARE ALL KIN............
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jaycuba 2 months ago Karma: 29
It really depends how pennypost will be adopted and tipping cards. right now its not looking very good in terms of price. it seems that gate and kraken exchange are selling a lot
KinJup 2 months ago Karma: 0
No idea, I have the feeling we can go viral any day. A double up would be nice, want to buy a new laptop lol.. atleast Im not expecting it to get any lower this year, a very good entrypoint atm
DrPoofAloof 2 months ago Karma: 32
$.01 is the first goal, then $1 is the stretch goal.

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