Noob here - why is the GameStop stock going up so much

What's the reason. Curious to know
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DrPoofAloof 4 months ago Karma: 32
This is likely due to market makers having to deliver lots of GME shares that were recently purchased through exercising options. They can strategically fail to deliver the shares for 35 days but at some point during those 35 days they have to deliver them because shares bought by exercising options need to be bought on the lit market instead of dark pools. In addition there are likely more than 13 billion synthetic GME shares created when there have only been 421,000,000 GME shares released onto the market by GameStop. So there is massive demand for shares and the legacy financial system is on the hook for all the synthetic shares they illegally printed.
jaycuba 4 months ago Karma: 29
ELI5 there are more shares shorted than actually available (naked-shorts). the shorts cannot be bought back because there arent literally any. i dont know if thats still relevant but thats what it was about. that makes the price shoot up

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