jaycuba's Profile


Personal Details

Username: jaycuba

Birthdate: 1978-07-08 (Age: 46)

Birthtime: 03:13:00

Birthplace: Prague

City: Zaragoza

Country: ES

Dating Profile

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Want Children: yes

Have Children: no

COVID-19 Vaccinated: no

Interests: yoga, nature, vanlife, meditation, spirituality

Looking For: any women who is up for it. true love or just travel with me. i also like bisexual women.
i was a tantra masseur for 1000 women so it would be nice to have an open minded woman.

Relationship Status: single

Education: mba

Occupation: owner kin.top

Height: 173 cm

Body Type: normal

Smoking: no

Drinking: no

Religion: Spiritual but not religious

Political Views: libertarian

Dating Groups